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What type of bike is good for the terrain/surface?

It's more about the tire than it is the bike. No smaller than a 38mm tire and I might suggest something bigger than a 42. Wider tires and better tread will only give you more control and confidence in the rough stuff. So, a gravel bike or mountain bike, and a mountain bike will not necessarily be slower.


What is the road surface like?

The routes are on 100% Forest Service roads, not county roads. They don't see much in the way of maintenance. The lower roads are composed of smaller/tighter rock but that changes quickly with rise in elevation. Some roads will have bigger, looser and embedded rock. A few of the roads on the 120 are also closed to motorized traffic and you will feel like you are deep in the woods. That's because you are. There is a variety and even some sweet singletrack on the 60 and 120. *This is not a closed course and there will be 4x4s and side-by-sides out and about also recreating. Please be aware of that and follow the rules of the road!*


What is the refund policy and are there entry transfers?

In short, there are no refunds. If you've ever hosted an event you understand why. We will accept transfers with a $10 processing fee. You need to find the person that is going to take the entry and you will need to e-mail us with the registrant's information, then we will take care of the transfer.


Are there bears?

Yes. Please be bear aware. That doesn't mean be afraid, it just means ride with your head up, look ahead, look around and if you're lucky you might see one. Bear spray is recommended. Locals know this is a regular piece of equipment to carry. During the ride we will have course marshals monitoring things with a conscious effort to "scare" any wildlife that might be hanging around or in the roadway.


Do you need to make reservations to camp at or around the headquarters?

Check the Info page for more about camping!

No, you do not need reservations. Yes, you can camp for free at or near the headquarters, start/finish area. First come, first serve. It's all on Forest Service land, not a commercial parking lot. There are no hook ups or running water but there are FS bathrooms (vault toilets). We will have water for drinking. There are campgrounds around if you want certain amenities. Google is your friend for those.



#RideForward | Victor, Idaho 83455


© 2024 Gravel Pursuit, Ride Forward

Site Maintained by Rae Creative

A Rider's Reunion

Operating under a special-use permit with the Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Equal Opportunity Service Provider

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